New York
Basic Information
- Type of Place
- Suburb
- Metro Area
- Politics c. 1860?
- Unions, Organized Labor?
Sundown Town Status
- Sundown Town in the Past?
- Surely
- Was there an ordinance?
- Don't Know
- Sign?
- No
- Year of Greatest Interest
- 1958
- Still Sundown?
- We Have Data on How it Changed
Census Information
Total | White | Black | Asian | Native | Hispanic | Other | BHshld | |
1860 | ||||||||
1870 | ||||||||
1880 | ||||||||
1890 | ||||||||
1900 | ||||||||
1910 | ||||||||
1920 | ||||||||
1930 | ||||||||
1940 | ||||||||
1950 | ||||||||
1960 | ||||||||
1970 | ||||||||
1980 | ||||||||
1990 | ||||||||
2000 | 8,292 | 120 | ||||||
2010 | ||||||||
2020 |
Method of Exclusion
- Private Bad Behavior
- Realtors
- Reputation
Main Ethnic Group(s)
Group(s) Excluded
- Black
A double memoir, “Integrating Delmar,” by the white woman who (with her husband) rented to a black couple in 1957, and the black woman who (with her husband) moved into Delmar, tells of the mild resistance and interesting experiences both families had. When the black couple bought a house in Delmar the next year, more resistance surfaced but proved ephemeral.